It's Time to Come Home

The Lord has prepared us and led us to make a significant change. We're coming back to the USA! Many things have helped us make this decision, but ultimately, the Lord is leading us, and we are just continuing to be faithful to Him. We haven't changed. Our hearts remain steadfast. The passion and desire for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done continue to grow within us. However, we will now live this out on the front lines of the USA in Texas. We are excited to announce Adam will be the senior Pastor at First Baptist Church Valley Mills, Texas. He will be officially starting at the end of June. Suzie should be teaching at the elementary school in Valley Mills. Baylee and River will finish the school year in Nairobi as we pack up the house and say our goodbyes well. Baylee graduates high school on May 25th. We will return to the USA in the first part of June to take a little time to decompress before beginning ministry i...