Small Victories

We have made it back to Mada as you all know and we have our new baby boy adapted to the hotter and more humid weather of Madagascar.  We have been blessed by the Lord that the transition here has gone well.  We did all have a little sickness (at the same time) but Praise the Lord we are all doing well.  We can’t say that it is easy having and taking care of a baby in a 3rd world country but we can say that the Lord is gracious to us.  On top of that Suzie has been completely awesome and has found a schedule that works and she has begun to get out and encourage the small groups in town that she is a part of.  Emma and Baylee have been hard at work with school and we are so proud of them and how they are progressing along this school year.  Phoebe is doing well at boarding school and is enjoying playing on the soccer team.  We do feel like we are always transitioning but we are also thankful that during all these transition times we are able to see the Lord’s hand at work.  So we will share with you just some small victories.

  • We were excited to hear and see pictures that the church in Ambovombe baptized six young ladies while we were gone.

  • We were excited to get to participate in the two year birthday party for the church.  Praise the Lord for churches in places where we have had no presence before.

  • We have heard from national partners we are training and they are still excited about what is ahead but needing more direction.

  • We have a new church beginning in Tsihombe.  Pastor Willy, his wife Robistette and their daughter moved to this town and have already started joining Bible study groups we have been teaching together for a time of corporate worship on Sunday mornings and afternoons and they have started new Bible study groups throughout the town.

  • We have new places that desire for us to come out and begin to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them.

As you can see we have many little victories to praise the Lord about.  He is so good to us and we just want to make sure He gets all the Glory and Honor for what He is doing and not what we are doing here.  So many days we feel useless and incapable of completing the task here in Androy land but then we just stand amazed at who He (God) is and what He can do.  Thank you for praying for us and encouraging us!  We know we could not do what we do without all of your support.


  • Everyone is doing well here in F/D
  • We have a new church beginning to form in Tsihombe
  • Suzie’s leg is doing well and she is getting around great on it.
  • People are responding to the Gospel message
  • Snyder family is back on the Island and getting adjusted again
  • Thomas is doing well and seems to be settling in nicely

Prayer Request:

  • For the Lord to strengthen and encourage us and the local believers

  • For continued unity with us as missionaries and local partners here in Madagascar

  • For upcoming travels:  Conferences, bush trips, around town, etc…

  • For good health: In particular for some issues Adam and Suzie are having.

  • For our language abilities and those abilities of our co-laborers
  • Baptismal time in Fort Dauphin on March 9

 National Pastors

 Our South Team.  Love these guys (blurry on purpose)

 This Kid is in trouble

 Beginnings of the church in Tsihombe


  1. Hi there! My name is Heather and I have a quick question regarding your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com that would be great!

    1. We would love to answer but not for sure who you are besides Heather. Please give us more information. Sorry to say this but not sure if this is spam. Thank you.


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