As we look over the past couple of months we have realized how precious time is. Time is fleeting. We have traveled back to the past and then to the future again. We have lived/stayed in different time zones and visited multiple countries and States. As we made all of these travels and events we learned that adjusting to time and all of its changes can be challenging. We enjoyed our time in the US but as we look back it was just a Texas tornado. It came and it went and it was a wild ride for the entire time. It was so nice to see some friends and family but we mixed in so many things that by the time it came to pack up to leave we were exhausted. This is not to say that we wouldn’t do this again but it is to say that we have learned a little from this time spent in the US. Time teaches us things as well. As we have been here in Madagascar we have realized that time has taught us many things about our Malagasy friends. We ha...