
Showing posts from December, 2013

We are Six

Well, the month of December is almost over and the 2013 year is all but over.  We have had a good year overall.  Lots of changes have taken place but mostly as we look back we can see that the name of Jesus has been lifted on high and the Lord has been at work in and through us throughout this past year.  We give all praise and glory to the Father above who has richly blessed us. This past month has been a very different month for us.  For the first time in over 2 years we have had an extended time away from work. The reason for this break is such a blessing.  On December 27th we welcomed John-Raymond "River" Hailes to the world.  River weighed 8 lbs 13 oz.  He was 20 3/4 inches long. Fully healthy.  We praise the Lord for that.  This now makes us a family of six!  The other thing that truly has been amazing is to have all of us together for the first time since August.  Phoebe joined us from boarding school and we have enjoyed ou...

Putting Christ in our daily lives with Thanksgiving

We have had a weird month of November.  For the first time ever our family has been separated in three different countries and for a longer time apart from each other than ever before.  Needless to say that brings with it some tension, excitement, sickness, and loneliness.  As many of you already know Suzie is in South Africa waiting for Baby #4 to come out and join the world on the outside of the belly.  Phoebe has been in Kenya finishing up her first trimester of boarding school.  Adam has stayed behind in Madagascar doing church planting work and getting the house and papers in order to be gone for a month or two.  With all of this we have had our ups and downs.  We have had our tears and we have had those moments of joy that can only come by the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.  We have truly learned that the love that the Lord has given us for each other has no boundaries and no ocean or land-mass can keep us from showing, shari...