C. Koym Get Togethers
Koym Grandkids being silly! Koym Grandkids looking good (K still being silly :P) The youngest 3 Koym Grandkids at the Ranch Drew names for gifts this Christmas. Pretty cool that E bought for K and K bought for E. Aren't they cute? Grandma's always so good to let the girls help Sweet picture of the Koym cousins in Hodge The big experiment. What's in the squash/gorde? Grandma is also so good to do "Science" with the grandkids! The water works table at the Mayford Museum in Waco, TX. Whose duck will win the race? Just had to throw in a pic of my man! :D More footage of the Mayford Museum. Sitting over Mammoth bones and learning what happened to them. We always have a great time with the cousins and Grandma and Grandpa Koym! Praise God for family! Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for making it happen!